Thursday, May 23, 2024

Apple Music's 100 Best Albums

Apple recently compiled what they found to be the 100 Best Albums, and while there is probably a lot missing (no Rush?!), I thought I would listen to each album, and give them all a fair shake. I was inspired to do so by a friend who decided to do the same. If you know me, you know I'm not a fan of rap, or R&B, and there seem to be plenty of it on this list. That being said, I'm going to listen to each and every album, and give them all a fair listen. Yes, even Eminem (and I really don't want to!). 

My next post will be album #100 on the list, and I hope you'll follow me on my journey, and read what I have to say about each and every album. Until then, thanks for watching, and I'll see you very soon

Apple Music 100 Best Albums

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