Monday, May 27, 2024

Solange: A Seat At the Table

Rob's Crazy Trip Through Apple Music's Top 100 Albums List:
093 - Solange: A Seat At the Table 

Another artist on the list that I had never heard of, I pushed play, and hoped for the best. Right off the bat, I sort of liked the music. The piano on the first track sounds pretty, and there are even some keyboards. 

Musically, there is a lot to enjoy on this album, lots of keyboards, and piano, even some great bass playing. There are times when the music can get a bit repetitive, but it's actually better than I thought it would be, a lot of the time. But I guess it's the vocals that are supposed to be the focal point on this singer/songwriter album. Luckily, I enjoy those too. She's got a fantastic voice, and it melds quite beautifully with the music. 

Lyrically, there are some great parts, and some that I really just don't care for. There is some rapping on the album (which I have never been a fan of), but I'm not even mad at it. Overall, I really doubt I ever play this album again, but it wasn't a bad listen.

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