Friday, May 24, 2024

The Eagles: Hotel California

Rob's Crazy Trip Through Apple Music's Top 100 Albums List:
099 - The Eagles: Hotel California

After the pop flair of Robyn's "Body Talk" album, it was nice to have some rock playing in my ears again. Number 99 on Apple Music's Top 100 Albums, "Hotel California" is a classic album from The Eagles. I'll be honest, I'm not sure how many times I've played through this album, so it was cool to hear some of the songs I'd not really heard a million times before. 

Of course you have the classic tracks ("Hotel California", & "Life In the Fast Lane"), but it was the songs you don't really hear that often, that I really enjoyed here. "Wasted Time" is a fantastic tune, "Pretty Maids All In A Row" is classic Joe Walsh (Joe has one of those voices that I could listen to any time), and "The Last Resort" is a great song to end the album. 

Overall, this was definitely more in my wheel-house than the last album, and a great way to spend 45 minutes. I would definitely play this one again.

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